Leader Development for Executives & Organisations
Developing healthy, efficient and improvement focused organisations.
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In the mind of a great leader: Executive Education Series
Leadership Sense making and reasoning are not entirely cerebral (IQ), we think with our heads but also our emotions and bodies (EQ) and our spirits, pursuits, endeavors, hopes, our sense of meaning and value (SQ).
Alignment of leadership IQ, EQ and SQ is required to thrive and survive in uncertainty and creatively realise the full potential of those around us.

Program Details
Market volatility, digital transformation, and innovation are changing the way organisations survive and thrive in every industry. Project professionals and leaders are now expected to be business partners who can develop deep, genuine and meaningful relationships with others and move beyond carrying out only the core knowledge based technical services.
Corporate Sherpa’s Executive Education Series is made up of four highly integrated modules that are designed to broaden the width, breadth, and length of leadership perspective taking to successfully steer through the disruptive business environment. You will explore how to identify, frame, and solve complex business problems in a variety of contexts by leveraging the strength of ‘Group IQ’. Built upon psychological and neuroscientific research, the workshops will cover –Â
- Understanding the sharpening the self emotional quotientÂ
- Applying the science of trust to influence othersÂ
- The psychological risk assessment of having difficult conversationsÂ
- Leadership sensemaking of decisional contextÂ
Program Logistics
Who is this program meant for?
Executives and professionals responsible for organisational growth and sustainability.
How long is the program duration?
Four executive workshops held over four weeks.
Program Outcomes
- Leveraging team and organisational emotions to achieve outcomes.Â
- Understanding the brain based framework for communication and influence.
- Tactfully holding difficult conversations to maintain trust, communication and relationships.
- Consciously identifying contexts to optimise decision making.

For Organisations
Conscious Leadership in Modern Business (CLIMB) Project
Conscious Leadership in Modern Business Project is aimed at developing leadership capability but more importantly capacity.
The program consists of 10 modules (which you can choose from the list of 12 modules below under Program Details) that are designed to shape and strengthen the Healthy, Efficient and Improvement culture of any organisation. Given that culture and leadership are inextricably linked, a culture where social health of the individuals and the groups are overlooked is more likely to provide an anaemic output in both efficiencies and improvement endeavours.
Program Details
The CLIMB modules consist of contemporary leadership and business insights that are based on psychological and neuroscientific research and are scaffolded with the below constructs –
1. Adaptive Leadership and Business Performance:
Navigating Complexity by Leveraging Social Capital.
2. Leading Under Pressure:
Forging Excellence and Navigating Leadership Amidst Adversity.
3. Individual, Team and Organisational Resilience:
Building Indomitable Spirit to keep up with ever-increasing demands.
4. Cognitive Frame-Forging:
Elevating Cognition and Transcending Distortions to Maximise Performance.
5. Self-Mastery and Extreme Ownership:
Leveraging the Sphere of Influence in Adversity.
6. Earning Trust and Exercising Influence:
Unlocking Engagement and Collaboration.
7. Rewiring Performance:
Shaping new and improved behaviours and performance.
8. Leading Relentless Pursuit of Improvement:
Leadership as a curator of new idea.
9. Leading Transformational Change:
Calibrating the organisational rate of change to the corporate strategy.
10. Navigating Conflict with Courage:
Enhancing performance by daring to disagree.
11. Optimising Leadership Decision Making:
Creating clarity and navigating decisional biases.
12. Putting the Pieces Together:
Practical Application of the Adaptive Leadership Journey.
Program Logisitics
Who is this program meant for?
The development project is best suited for experienced and future leaders.
How long is the program duration?
The development project consists of 10 half day workshops, with one workshop being delivered approximately every month.
Program Outcomes
- Enhance mindset and behaviours to expand presence as an impactful leader and to address organisational challenges.
- Enhanced capacity to lead and inspire diverse teams effectively to meet organisational goals.
- Lead organisational change and transformation.
- Develop a personal leadership philosophy and presence that reflect greater confidence and capabilities.
- Create a detailed action plan related to your specific development needs.

For New Leaders
Supervisor Development
Supervisors have the unique opportunity to influence and inspire those who work with them and enable on time, on budget and sustainable outcomes.
Traditionally, supervisors are promoted in their roles due to their expert technical performance and experience. As an individual contributor, they have mastered the technical skills of their job. However, taking on a role of a supervisor and to be successful requires different skills, abilities, and knowledge. In this program, new and experienced technical supervisors will learn to effectively navigate the transition into a supervisory role.

Program Details
Many supervisors find it difficult to transition from the role of individual contributor to a leadership role. Some of the common speed bumps they experience along that journey are – dealing with different personalities with unique mindsets, expectations, demands, challenges, motives and learning capacities. This is further compounded by the psychological need to belong to the group and the same time demonstrate competence to the senior leadership of ‘holding the fort’. In the absence of formal development, the leap can sometimes be intimidating. The development program is designed to enhance the following aspects for the individuals in a supervisory role:
- Enhancing performance of self through strengthening emotional intelligence.
- Managing the work of high performing teams.
- Strengthening personal and team resilience.
- Communicating to improve buy-in and influence mindsets.
- Using coaching techniques to improve feedback practice.
- Dealing with difference in opinions.
- Managing challenging behaviours.
- Delivering high impact and brain friendly meetings.
- Create your personal development plan for making a successful transition from an individual contributor to a supervisor.
Program Logistics
Who is this program meant for?
Experienced and new supervisors
How long is the program duration?
The development program consists of 5 x 3 hours workshops, with one workshop being delivered approximately every month.
Program Outcomes
- Successful transition from individual contributor to people leader
- Managing processes effectively
- Using emotional literacy to lead others
- Developing and influencing others to enable outcomes
- Negotiating outcomes
- Seeking collaboration and engagement from others
- Managing expectations of different stakeholders
- Effectively working under pressure

Executive and Senior Leaders
Community of Practice (COP)
Up until recently, confident decision-making and strong problem-solving skills were the top celebrated skills of leaders backed up with a certain amount of experience and knowledge.
However, leaders operating in the current dynamic and disruptive environments can no longer only rely upon their prior knowledge and experiences to make decisions from the given alternatives. The ability to make meaning, or sense, becomes the hidden superpower of the modern-day executives and leaders that will shape and move the organisations forward.
Program Details
COP is a leadership sensemaking series for Adaptive Leaders faced with Adaptive challenges. Sensemaking is needed most when we are facing adaptive challenges. Adaptive challenges occur when our environment is presenting us with surprises, which require a response outside of our existing repertoire. Leaders who are strong in sensemaking know how to quickly capture the complexities of their environment and clearly articulate with others in simple terms in resolving the Adaptive challenges.
During the series, leaders are guided to identify and articulate adaptive challenges within their current and future projects, make sense of them, and explore ways to experiment and identify a way forward. Sensemaking will enable the leaders to translate the unknown, chaotic, and complex into something that can be understood and explained, while also driving shared action of operating in an effective matrix framework.
Program Logisitics
Who is this program meant for?
This series is designed for executives, senior leaders and business owners.
How long is the program duration?
The COP series is designed to take place once a month, over 6-8 months.
Program Outcomes
The focus of the sensemaking discussions will be on:
- Understand and envision the required culture.
- Apply enterprise thinking and extreme and meaningful collaboration.
- Clearly articulate the cultural and leadership challenges as constraints and design action-oriented commitments to resolve them.
- Regulate emotional constraints in working through cultural complexities and pressures of a matrix structural relationships.
- Build adaptive leadership capacity to strengthen relationships of the leadership team, by demonstrating:
- Vulnerability
- Growth mindset
- Empathy and social awareness
- Psychological safety
- Warmth in addition to competence

Executive and Senior Leaders
Community of Practice (COP)
Up until recently, confident decision-making and strong problem-solving skills were the top celebrated skills of leaders backed up with a certain amount of experience and knowledge.
However, leaders operating in the current dynamic and disruptive environments can no longer only rely upon their prior knowledge and experiences to make decisions from the given alternatives. The ability to make meaning, or sense, becomes the hidden superpower of the modern-day executives and leaders that will shape and move the organisations forward.
Program Details
COP is a leadership sensemaking series for Adaptive Leaders faced with Adaptive challenges. Sensemaking is needed most when we are facing adaptive challenges. Adaptive challenges occur when our environment is presenting us with surprises, which require a response outside of our existing repertoire. Leaders who are strong in sensemaking know how to quickly capture the complexities of their environment and clearly articulate with others in simple terms in resolving the Adaptive challenges.
During the series, leaders are guided to identify and articulate adaptive challenges within their current and future projects, make sense of them, and explore ways to experiment and identify a way forward. Sensemaking will enable the leaders to translate the unknown, chaotic, and complex into something that can be understood and explained, while also driving shared action of operating in an effective matrix framework.
Program Logisitics
Who is this program meant for?
This series is designed for executives, senior leaders and business owners.
How long is the program duration?
The COP series is designed to take place once a month, over 6-8 months.
Program Outcomes
The focus of the sensemaking discussions will be on:
- Understand and envision the required culture.
- Apply enterprise thinking and extreme and meaningful collaboration.
- Clearly articulate the cultural and leadership challenges as constraints and design action-oriented commitments to resolve them.
- Regulate emotional constraints in working through cultural complexities and pressures of a matrix structural relationships.
- Build adaptive leadership capacity to strengthen relationships of the leadership team, by demonstrating:
- Vulnerability
- Growth mindset
- Empathy and social awareness
- Psychological safety
- Warmth in addition to competence
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